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Justice Michael Massengale earns endorsement from largest Texas Pro-Life Advocacy group

Texas Right to Life PAC is excited to announce the endorsement of Justice Michael Massengale for the Supreme Court of Texas, Place 3.

Justice Massengale is an experienced jurist, currently serving the State of Texas as justice on the First Court of Appeals. Justice Massengale and his wife, Dr. Lindsey Harris, have been ardent supporters of the Pro-Life cause for many years.

Michael Massengale was appointed to the First Court of Appeals by Pro-Life Governor Rick Perry on June 15, 2009.

“Justice Massengale believes the Supreme Court of Texas has a role in leading developing jurisprudence across the nation. He is committed to using every opportunity available to call attention to the unjust mandates forced upon the states by the federal judiciary, and his most important priority is the potection of innocent human Life. We need unafraid Pro-Life voices in Texas now more than ever,” said Emily Kebodeaux, General Counsel and Political Director of Texas Right to Life.

The Supreme Court of Texas serves an important function to protect the freedoms, rights, and liberties of Texans.  Justice Massengale is guided by the principle that the role of a judge is to fairly and impartially apply the law. Preborn children are not excluded from legal protections, and neither are organizations exercising First Amendment rights in defense of preborn children in Texas.