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Independent report shows stellar performance by Texas Right to Life PAC

Texans who pay close attention to politics know all too well that putting feathers on your head does not mean you can call yourself a chicken.  Texans are all too familiar with this approach to politics seen by the Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) in the Texas House of Representatives.

Candidates and elected officials must be held to a high standard of transparency, and has recognized that necessity by being committed to providing a clear picture of were Texas political candidates receive their financial support and how they spend that money. just released a case study on the Texas Right to Life Political Action Committee (PAC) and Pro-Lifers around the state are pleased with their fair and simple assessment of the Texas Right to Life PAC.

The numbers don’t lie. Whether you look at total dollars raised, individual donors, endorsees who won their election, or virtually any of the other standard metrics by which a PAC’s influence is measured, Texas Right to Life comes out on top.”

The Texas Right to Life PAC knows that in order to protect tens of thousands of innocent lives, they must be ethical and just with the donations received, the candidates endorsed, and the campaigns in which they are involved.

To read the entire case study, visit

In order to pass bills that truly save innocent human lives, we must have solid Pro-Life men and women holding elected office.  The Texas Right to Life PAC works daily to ensure Pro-Life champions are in office.