How does Texas rank among Pro-Life states? The answer will shock you.

In 2008 Americans United for Life (AUL) ranked Texas the fourth most Pro-Life state in America.  Joe Straus took over the Texas State House with a cabal of 11 Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) and 65 Democrats and was elected Speaker in 2009.  Under Straus’s control of the Texas House, Texas fell to #17.

Each year, the Life List ranks all 50 states from most Pro-Life to most anti-Life based in part on legislative measures passed in the previous year that protect human Life from conception to natural death.  AUL evaluates laws passed in each state that affect the lives of the preborn, abortion-vulnerable women, hospitalized patients, and the disabled.

Americans United for Life (AUL) released the 2018 Life List this week with Texas moving up five spots to 12th, still nowhere near the #4 ranking we held.

Texas’s jump to the rank of 12th most Pro-Life state is the result of the dedicated efforts of strong Pro-Life leaders in Austin in the most recent legislative session, not Joe Straus and his House cronies.  While the Texas Senate continued to swiftly pass strong Pro-Life legislation under the leadership of Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (as they do every session), the now retired RINO leadership in the Texas House stalled and even killed key Pro-Life reforms for years.

In 2017, despite inexcusable obstruction by House leadership, Pro-Life members in the House, led by the Freedom Caucus, successfully passed the single most important Pro-Life reform of the session: the Dismemberment Abortion Ban.  This measure bans the practice of a particularly inhumane and violent abortion procedure in which a living preborn child is torn limb from limb while his or her heart is still beating.  There is no question that banning such a barbaric practice advances Pro-Life values and directly saves preborn lives in our state.

Pro-Life victories did not end with the conclusion of the regular session.  Under the leadership of Governor Greg Abbott, who was determined to fight Joe Straus and force the Life Issues by placing Pro-Life legislation at the forefront for the First Called Special Session, Pro-Life champions in the Texas House and Senate were able to pass several other reforms long overdue for our state.

After numerous thwarted attempts, Pro-Life legislators successfully passed Pro-Life Health Insurance Reform.  This measure ensures that Pro-Life Texans are not forced to fund the elective abortions of others through insurance premiums.  Legislators also began to address Texas’s egregious record of endangering vulnerable hospital patients.  Although the anti-Life Texas 10-Day Law remains a stain on our state’s record, legislators did pass the Patient Consent for Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Orders.  This legislation requires that patient or surrogate consent is obtained before a DNR is placed on a patient, an important step to restoring patients’ rights and the protection of vulnerable human Life.

In 2016, the year following the 84th Texas Legislature, Texas ranked 17th.  This was a shockingly low place for the Lone Star State, which most people would assume is one of if not the most Pro-Life state in the union.  For the Texas Right to Life Legislative Team, however, the ranking was not a surprise.

After disgracefully falling to 17th, the work of Texas Right to Life and committed Pro-Life legislators has brought Texas to 12th.  Pro-Life reforms should ensure that Texas does indeed advance to ranking as the most Pro-Life state.  That is why Texas Right to Life is hard at work in key political races across the state.

After carefully evaluating incumbents and vetting candidates, Texas Right to Life Political Action Committee has begun issuing endorsements and working to inform voters.  Together, we can help elect strong Pro-Life leaders who will pass the necessary Pro-Life reforms that vulnerable Texans need.

The RINOs must be defeated.  They are not fit to serve in any office.  They do not represent their Pro-Life constituents.

The RINOs in the Texas State House who kept Joe Straus in power are responsible for Texas not passing Pro-Life laws, our ranking falling, and – most importantly – babies being killed in the womb.

Texas should be the most Pro-Life state in America.  We should be ranked number one.  The slaughter of the innocents must stop.