Starting September 1, abortions after a baby’s heartbeat is detectable will be ILLEGAL, and Texas needs your help to ensure this law is followed.
The Texas Heartbeat Act is unique in that the law relies solely on civil enforcement—meaning Pro-Lifers like you need to report information and help us sue if the abortion industry seems to be breaking the law. Pro-Life Texans have this unprecedented opportunity to hold the abortion industry accountable and to prevent future abortions. We have created a whistleblower website where you can join us on the lookout for suspicious activity, connect with us to assist in bringing a lawsuit, or submit anonymous tips to help locate where illegal abortions are occurring.
The Texas Legislature passed the Texas Heartbeat Act, Senate Bill 8, during the 87th Regular Session. This new law will require an abortionist to determine if a preborn baby has a detectable heartbeat before committing any abortion. If the baby’s heartbeat is present, the law protects the baby’s life by prohibiting that elective abortion. We at Texas Right to Life believe that the law should protect ALL human lives from the moment of fertilization until natural death, and we are thrilled to see our state take this crucial next step to protect preborn babies from the devastating horrors of abortion.
Only citizens like you will carry out the Texas Heartbeat Act. Individuals must bring civil lawsuits against any person who commits an abortion or aids and abets an abortion that occurs after the preborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable. By solely relying on civil enforcement Senate Bill 8 is set to go into effect without providing the abortion industry a chance to stop the law in court.

Senate Bill 8 does not allow suits to be brought against the woman seeking the abortion. Instead, the Texas Heartbeat Act focuses on those who profit off of the killing of innocent babies, such as the abortionist and others in the abortion industry.
This is the time for Pro-Life lawyers, sidewalk counselors, activists, and citizens to rally together and defend the most vulnerable in Texas.
If you would like to be a protector of preborn babies in Texas, spread the word about our new website to defend the preborn! Click HERE to send us information you find regarding illegal abortions occurring after a baby’s heartbeat is detected, or to help us connect you to resources so that you can bring lawsuits against those who are profiting off of the murder of innocent children. We need every Texan available to help enforce the boldest Pro-Life law since Roe v. Wade.
Texas needs YOU to protect and defend our preborn babies!