Governor Greg Abbott signed the Texas Heartbeat Act into law today. Pro-Lifers across Texas rejoiced as the governor signed the life-saving bill into law in the Texas Capitol in Austin.

The Texas Heartbeat Act (SB 8 authored by Senator Bryan Hughes, R-Tyler, and Representative Shelby Slawson, R-Stephenville) is the first Pro-Life Priority Bill this legislative session to pass both chambers and be signed into law.
When the Texas Heartbeat Act takes effect on September 1, all elective abortions after the preborn child’s heartbeat is detectable will be prohibited. A preborn child’s heartbeat can be detected using methods according to the standard medical practice as early as six weeks’ gestation. This measure will save thousands of lives and is a vital step in the road to abolishing all abortions in Texas.
Texas Right to Life applauds this landmark victory and notes that countless children, women, and hospitalized patients are still threatened by abortion and euthanasia in Texas. The work of protecting Life in Texas is not finished. The abortion industry continues to threaten vulnerable preborn children with discriminatory and early abortions.
Twelve days remain in the legislative session, giving lawmakers the opportunity to pass additional Pro-Life bills. Our Pro-Life Priority Bills, including the Texas Abolition Strategy to overturn Roe v. Wade and the Respecting Texas Patients’ Right to Life Act, are vital pieces of legislation that will save countless lives and pave a way to permanently end abortion.
>>Ask your state lawmakers to pass the Texas Abolition Strategy!
The Texas Abolition Strategy (SB 1647) would protect disabled preborn children and includes a roadmap to abolishing all abortions in Texas. This bill currently waits to be scheduled for a full vote in the House upon the action of the House Committee on Calendars. Many members of the Legislature have communicated the will to move SB 1647. Additionally, the Senate still has time to pass the Respecting Texas Patients’ Right to Life Act (SB 917) that will reform the anti-Life 10-Day Rule used to hasten the deaths of patients in Texas hospitals.
Texas Right to Life reminds our elected officials of their solemn duty to protect the lives of their citizens, especially the most vulnerable and innocent Texans in the womb. The signing of the Texas Heartbeat Act marks a historic step in the battle to protect Life.