Former NFL Coach Tony Dungy: You Can’t Be Pro-Abortion and Christian

Responding to self-proclaimed “pro-choice pastor” Raphael Warnock’s support for the killing of babies through abortion, former NFL coach Tony Dungy set the record straight that the bible is undeniably Pro-Life. 

“It all comes down to what you believe about the organism growing inside the mother. Is it a life or not? If it is just growing tissue then your ‘choice’ makes sense. If it’s a life then it’s obviously not OK to choose to end it. What does your Bible tell you it is?” Dungy wrote, citing Psalm 139:16. 

Democrat Raphael Warnock regularly uses his Christian faith and status as a pastor to justify his support for the killing of preborn babies through abortion. Commenting on the leaked Supreme Court opinion indicating the overturning of Roe v. Wade Warnock tweeted, “I’ll always fight to protect a woman’s right to choose. And that will never change.”

Dungy’s response is a testament to the simple truth that the bible is very clear on its position concerning preborn Life. The bible teaches us that human Life is a sacred gift bestowed by God, deserving of protection and care. 

Warnock’s attempts to point to the bible to justify abortion or to say that God supports the “right” to kill a child is ludicrous and antithetical to authentic Christianity.

Nowhere else is the true sanctity of human Life expressed than in God’s holy word. NFL legend Tony Dungy has it right. 

“Your eyes saw my unformed body;

    all the days ordained for me were written in your book

    before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16

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