Texas Right to Life invited Feminists for Life of America to tour the state and speak to medical and law schools, to inform students of the connections between sex trafficking, porn, abortion, and women’s abuse. Pro-Life groups at each school hosted Joyce McCauley-Benner to speak over a free meal for students funded by TRTL, and to learn about what they can do to help as future medical professionals and attorneys. The message was full of both harsh realities and hope: the USA is rife with sex trafficking; the average victim is abducted at age 13; traffickers use strategic practices of mental abuse to keep victims from trying to escape; many victims are forced to abort; victims who are “dropped” from a trafficking ring often turn to porn or “legal” prostitution because they have no other life skills or experience; but victims who recover are making waves of change as vocal witnesses, and finding new ways to catch perpetrators, rescue victims, and encourage women with crisis pregnancies to begin life anew by choosing love of their child over fear.

Co-presidents of Physicians for Life at McGovern Medical School, Caleb Owsley and Logan Oliver, hold their sign with Joyce McCauley-Benner of Feminists for Life, and Veronica Arnold Smither of Texas Right to Life.

Joyce McCauley-Benner spoke to students at five medical schools and one law school in Texas: UT San Antonio Health Science Center, Texas Tech HSC, TAMUHSC, UH Law, UTMB Galveston, and McGovern Medical School.

Several of the events drew well over 100 students each, and sparked questions such as, “What can a medical student do to spot a sex trafficking victim, or help with a crisis pregnancy?” “What can we do to end the demand for porn, and the sex trade?”

Joyce’s emotional story of surviving rape and a subsequent crisis pregnancy inspired her to work as an advocate for women in crisis pregnancies, as well as become an expert in sex-trafficking recovery.