Mocking Christmas, Planned Parenthood just released a video titled “12 Days of Contraception.”
I’m not making this up.
In it, they sing the Christmas carol you and I know but replace the lyrics with 12 items of contraception — one of which includes Plan-B, an abortifacient.
This is supposed to be a joke?! Abortion is not birth control!
But that's exactly how Planned Parenthood sees it.
They're using our tax dollars to grow their business, and they want even more money from ObamaCare!
Abortion is how Planned Parenthood makes hundreds of millions of dollars by encouraging reckless behavior and placing women at risk by having abortions.
Throughout the year, Planned Parenthood has become emboldened and increasingly display who they truly are: America's largest abortion advocate and commiter!
Planned Parenthood doesn't care about women, and they certainly don't care about innocent, human Life! But their influence is growing with an unlimited amount of tax dollars at their disposal.
Using state laws, we can defeat Planned Parenthood and protect women and unborn babies!
This is the very night when we remember how just one baby changed all of creation. If we can stop Planned Parenthood, we can save tens of thousands of babies every year — just in Texas alone!
Please make your contribution right now by clicking and following this link.
Will you consider contributing $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, or even $3,000? One woman from Houston just gave $5,000 for this effort online last night.
We are facing a well-funded enemy that knows no bounds of morality and must be reined in, while we can still stop this dragon. It's not too late!
Send a message to Planned Parenthood that their corporate slaughter of baby Texans will no longer be tolerated in Texas. Support Life so we can reach our year-end goal of $34,258 right now.
Pro-Life supporters like you have already contributed $14,290, but we only have seven days left to make our goal — so please donate right now.
Thank you for all you do to protect women and Life!
Yours for Life,