End the business of selling aborted baby parts in Texas!

Friend —

The biggest loser this week: women and babies.

This is after a hidden video discovered that Planned Parenthood is selling aborted baby parts across the country.

Cecile Richards, the President of Planned Parenthood, went into damage control, made a video and attacked the person who exposed them. In her response, without apology, she defended her dark and evil business of selling baby parts!

Our nation is disgusted by the cruelty of this discovery and Cecile Richards' non-apology. That's why we must act fast.

Will you contribute $50, $150, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $2,500 or more so we can stop Planned Parenthood from selling baby parts?

As these twisted abortionists tear apart babies piece by piece and sell their tiny organs, Texas Right to Life removes Planned Parenthood's grip on our tax dollars, piece by piece:

— Since 2011, we have freed $80 million from their grasp!

— We exposed that they don't even own a single mammogram as they boast how they help women with breast cancer.

— And we closed the judicial loopholes that allowed their billion dollar busines to escort girls to abortion centers without telling their parents!

As I write this, we are working with our elected officials in an emergency effort to stop Planned Parenthood from selling baby parts.

Are you with me? Will you stand with Texas Right to Life and the unborn?

If so, please click and follow this link to send a message that Texas stands for the tiny unborn babies and women by donating $50, $150, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $2,500 or more!

End this evil practice and donate right now. Thank you for all you do to protect Life.

Yours for their Lives,