We know that you want to be an effective Pro-Life advocate. In order to do that, you need to lead a Pro-Life group at your school. Maybe you don’t know how, which can cause you to feel disorganized, stressed, or alone. Maybe you’re already leading a group, but you want bigger and better ideas. We believe that you deserve to become an expert Pro-Life leader. We understand how complicated it can be for students to share their Pro-Life beliefs, which is why we have trained over 300 Fellows in Texas since 2008 to successfully lead Pro-Life groups and save lives on their campuses. Apply now for the Fellowship, so you can stop feeling alone in your efforts, and instead, save more lives on your campus.
Dr. Joseph Graham Fellows may earn up to $8,000 throughout their undergraduate collegiate career while promoting a Culture of Life on campus through the Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship.
Students who will have at least two years in undergrad, OR plan to be an officer of your Pro-Life group, are eligible to apply. Please contact the Education Department for further information:
Fellowship[@]TXRTL.com or 713-782-5433.
Deadline: April 5, 2025
Texas Right to Life is a statewide, non-partisan, Christian organization, and our scholarship application reflects these values. All students selected as Fellowship recipients will be required to sign our Statement of Faith and Standards of Conduct.
Frequently Asked Questions | Current Fellows and Campuses
- Step 1: Read the Eligibility & Requirements
- Step 2: Type your answers to the Essay Questions
- Step 3: Submit an online Application
- Step 4: Ask two people to submit Recommendation Forms
All applications are scored by a committee of Texas Right to Life employees using a rubric. Finalists are then contacted to schedule a virtual interview. Recipients are selected based on the application and the interview. Anyone who is accepted for an interview will need to turn in proof of enrollment.
You will be notified by May 31, 2025 by email regarding whether or not you’ve been selected as a Fellowship recipient for the Fall 2025 Semester.
Fellowship recipients are required to attend an all-expenses-paid training July 20-26, 2025.
View sample schedule here.
Please share this info on your campus! Print the flyer here.
Texas Right to Life is the oldest, largest, and only statewide Pro-Life organization in Texas. Texas Right to Life seeks to articulate and protect the Right to Life of defenseless human beings, born and unborn, through legal, peaceful, and prayerful means. This commitment is derived from a belief that each human being, from the moment of fertilization until natural death, has an immeasurable dignity and inalienable Right to Life. The Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship Program seeks to educate and train the next generation of Pro-Life leaders.