Doctors told Kamilah Parvez to abort her daughter during labor. Baby Maysa faced a mere 7% chance of survival, but God had bigger plans.
Kamilah’s pregnancy was perfectly normal before she began to bleed and had to go to the hospital.
“They told me I was 2cm dilated and she [baby Maysa]had a 7% survival rate. The doctors kept asking me if we were sure we wanted to continue with the pregnancy.”
The mother was determined to fight: “I remember when they told me the survival rate, and I just thought how I can’t lose her. We really tried with this pregnancy, in my head I was so upset and I just couldn’t lose her.”
Born at just 22 weeks on June 2, 2021, her mom could only cuddle her for five minutes before she was rushed to the NICU where she lived for three months.
Maysa battled numerous complications, including influenza and three cardiac arrests, forcing her parents to confront the possibility of saying their final goodbyes.
However, against all odds, Maysa fought for her life.
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She not only survived but actually improved, surprising her parents and medical professionals alike. Amid the worry and uncertainty, her parents simply took one day at a time.
“We didn’t know she would pull through or how long she would last,” recalled Kamilah.
During an emergency surgery, Kamilah explained her worry for her daughter: “We went off into town to distract ourselves but even then all we could think about was her. We were waiting for that dreaded phone call to tell us she didn’t make it.”
Fortunately, her parents never received that call.
“At one point I didn’t think I would ever be able to take her home,” her mom said, but against all odds, baby Maysa went home on September 12, 2022, after 15 months in hospital.

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“Since she has been home she has been thriving,” Kamilah rejoiced. “She is a little diva, honestly, everyone loves her and she makes people smile.”
Today, Maysa is nearly 2 and a half years old.
A 2022 study highlighted the survival rates of extremely premature babies like Maysa. The research analyzed data from 10,877 infants born between 22 and 28 weeks gestation across 19 academic centers in the U.S. Between 2013 and 2018, children born between 22 and 28 weeks gestation had a survival rate of 78.3%, a significant increase from the historical rate of 76.0% observed among infants born in 2008-2012.
This heartening statistic offers hope for parents facing similar challenges. Maysa’s story reminds everyone that miracles do happen, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
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