— Do your teens feel comfortable defending the Pro-Life position?
— Will your teens stand strong when their peers express that the “right to choose” trumps the “right to life”?
— Will your teens prioritize speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves?
Texas Right to Life wants to ensure that you can confidently answer “yes” to all of the above questions. At REveAL and REveAL2, our Pro-Life summer camps, your teens will learn to proactively and peacefully promote a Culture of Life.
Both camps are for high school students, and Texas Right to Life’s “Generation Now” college scholars will be on hand to mentor, lead, and train these younger high school students. The “Generation Now” Scholars will share their experiences being countercultural in courageously fighting for Life.
The mainstream media hides behind rhetoric. REveAL will uncover the meaning given by abortion providers to the terms “pro-choice” and “pro-woman.” Immediately following, REveAL2 will tackle issues affecting the disabled, the elderly, and the infirm who are often viewed as a burden on society.
In-depth discussions and a debate will keep your teens interested and engaged. Your teens will have the chance to build long-time friendships with like-minded peers. Every camper will leave with a strong desire to protect life, and we will provide practical ways in which each can do this upon returning home.
Teens between the ages of 14-18 who desire some Pro-Life fun and extra sun may download a registration form today at www.TexasRightToLife.com/studentcentral.
Space is limited.
REveAL will be held in Bryan, TX from July 21st-24th.
REveAL2 will be held from July 24th-28h.
There is a $50 discount for additional siblings who register. The registration fee is $145 for one camp or $240 for both camps. Campers must attend REveAL prior to attending REveAL2.
Please contact Carol Glaser at CGlaser@TexasRightToLife.com or 713-782-LIFE if you have any questions.