Kamala led her party in a scorched-earth campaign on abortion to win votes, but the damage they inflicted may last far beyond this election.
The media worked hand-in-hand with liberal politicians to make Americans believe that Pro-Life states block pregnant women from getting treatment in medical emergencies.
Liberal Lies:

The Truth:
✔️ Texas’ policies allow doctors to intervene to save pregnant mothers in emergencies. Our law even explicitly says that miscarriage treatment is not an abortion.
Pro-Life laws are clear. The media is not.
Too many physicians are influenced by misleading narratives and inappropriately delay treatment based on what they hear in the news.
Democrats broke it. Since we care for pregnant mothers AND children, it’s up to us to fix it.
Texas Right to Life’s legislative team is already drafting bills to pass in our state Capitol to offer medical education for physicians on this topic. We also are writing a new policy for the state to require hospitals to train their staff, like social workers, to care for pregnant mothers and preborn babies in medical emergencies and miscarriages.

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Liberal activists exploit maternal deaths and malpractice to push Texas lawmakers to expand abortion. This will not help the women in medical emergencies!
The answer to doctors’ confusion isn’t more abortions, but proper enforcement of the law, free from political activism by medical groups and news reporters.
As Pro-Life Christians, we value mothers and children equally, while Democrats insist on pitting them against each other.
The tragic deaths reported in the news are NOT caused by Pro-Life laws. They’re the result of media and Democratic efforts over the past three years to create confusion, push for abortion legalization, and undermine Pro-Life protections that save tens of thousands of babies every year.
Texas Right to Life will continue to be on the front lines correcting the misleading narratives in the media and passing legislation to fully educate all Texas medical professionals. Will you join us?
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🙏 Pray for the truth to reach the thousands of medical professionals caring for pregnant Texans.
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