U.S. Democrat Senators are attempting to repeal a longstanding federal law that prohibits the mailing of abortion-inducing drugs, known as the Comstock Act. Minnesota Senator Tina Smith introduced the bill in June with the support of multiple cosponsors.
The 1983 Comstock Act was passed to protect the public from obscene items mailed through the U.S. postal service, including abortion drugs such as mifepristone. It has helped safeguard preborn babies for over a century by hindering access to these deadly pills.
Already, pharmacies and third-party sellers ship abortion pills illegally into states like Texas where elective abortion is illegal. Repealing the Comstock Act would create a new and utterly more terrifying reality: one in which no legal boundaries exist.

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This would recklessly remove all protections, opening the floodgates to abortion pills into states, and making an already dicey situation ripe for further abuse. Any clinic could freely and legally ship a life-ending drug across any state lines to women, with no proper medical supervision, no physical exam or in-person doctor visit, and no personalized care. This proposed reform is teeming with risks— especially for young girls who may attempt a mail-order abortion alone and behind closed doors.
Even open proponents of abortion will not brush off or excuse those risks if they have genuine concern for women and girls in this country.
Senator Smith labeled the Comstock Act a “150-year-old zombie law” that Republicans use to “strip women nationwide of their reproductive freedoms,” “control women’s decisions,” and “deny American women their rights.” Her twisted perspective is the oldest lie in the pro-abortion book. Like any law against murder, Pro-Life laws accomplish the very opposite. They protect the health of women and ensure that innocent future women are not stripped of their rights and freedoms before they even have a chance to see the world outside their mothers’ wombs.

Smith’s bill comes after the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to keep loose restrictions in place on the abortion pill mifepristone.
The senators’ push to repeal the Comstock Act and endorse mail-order abortion drugs marks a reckless shift in our nation’s approach to abortion policy. Voters should know what this debate is truly about: whether to degrade and destroy preborn life, or to value and celebrate these precious babies and their mothers.
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