Democrats and Anti-Lifers Meltdown Across the Country

Democrats and anti-Life activists have fallen into a rage across the country.

Since a leaked document suggested that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade, leftists have lost their minds. The past couple of days have exposed the absolute depravity and insanity of the left’s full embrace of the killing of children through abortion.

Activists have rallied to the defense of abortion, treating the practice as some kind of sacrament. Some even asserting that “the right to abortion is sacred.”

In order to protect their “sacred” right to kill babies, leftist organizations have announced a “Mother’s Day Strike” in which they plan to march INTO Catholic and Evangelical churches to protest.

Invading Christian places of worship demonstrates the depravity of the radically pro-abortion left.

Please join us in praying for the courage and safety of the Supreme Court and Pro-Lifers and Christians everywhere.

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