Please take a moment to contact the members for the Budget Conference committee and encourage them to keep the Texas budget Pro-Life. House Bill 1, the proposed Texas budget, was successfully amended and voted on my Pro-Life Strong members of the Texas House. This conference committee will look at all the amendments added to the bill and will decide whether to keep the changes or to omit them.
Texans want a budget that protects LIFE! Please urge these members to keep the Texas budget in line with our Pro-Life values!
Texas Senate members:
Chairwoman Jane Nelson, Send Email, (512) 463-0112
Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, Send Email, (512) 463-0102
Joan Huffman, Send Email, (512) 463-0117
Lois Kolkhorst, Send Email, (512) 463-0118
Charles Schwertner, Send Email, (512) 463-0105
Texas House members:
Chairman John Otto, Send Email, (512) 463-0570
Trent Ashby, Send Email, (512) 463-0508
Sarah Davis, Send Email, (512) 463-0389
Larry Gonzales, Send Email, (512) 463-0670
Sylvester Turner, Send Email, (512) 463-0554