California Passes Massive Legislative Package Making State an “Abortion Haven”

This week the California Legislature passed a massive package aimed at solidifying the state as a “haven” for the destruction of preborn Life through abortion.

The legislation, pushed by an anti-Life supermajority and radical Democratic governor Gavin Newsom, seeks to counter Pro-Life laws passed by states like Texas, making it easier for abortionists to prey on women traveling from other states.

Within this enormous abortion package are bills that prohibit California law enforcement from assisting in other states’ investigations of abortionists, allows nurses and midwives to commit early abortions without a doctor’s supervision, increases state tax-dollar funding of abortion, extends taxpayer funding to include abortions to out of state women, and more.

Notably the package also included a bill allowing state grants to abortionists preying on low-income communities.

Unsurprisingly, Planned Parenthood expressed high praise for this legislation, which is certain to increase their revenue and give them virtually free reign in California.

“We look forward to Governor Newsom continuing to provide and exemplify national leadership when it comes to protecting sexual and reproductive health care, including abortion, by signing this bold and historic bill package into law,” Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California tweeted.

Though California legislators claim to be standing for women, their actions do nothing but make it easier for the profit-driven abortion industry to destroy human Life on a massive scale.

Abortion is not healthcare and the cruel killing of preborn children does nothing to help low-income communities or women in difficult circumstances.

Texas Right to Life firmly opposes these unjust actions by the California Legislature and remains committed to defending the innocent and preborn from the predations of the abortion industry, focused instead on building a State where both women and their preborn children are protected and can flourish.

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