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Blow the lid on Planned Parenthood´s criminal activity!

Friend —

This is big. Real big.

You've seen the disturbing hidden videos where Planned Parenthood tries to sell aborted baby hearts, lungs and organs.

Planned Parenthood is very nervous because they think one of the videos was taken in an abortion center here in Texas. They have good reason to be nervous. We believe Planned Parenthood has committed a crime — a felony.

Tomorrow, with your emergency support, we're holding an urgent full exposure media conference in Lt. Governor Dan Patrick's press room. We're blowing the lid on evidence to top Texas officials about what we believe has been happening for years and what we can do about it.

It's in Texas where we can stop Planned Parenthood. But we cannot count on the media to get out this message — for the same reason it takes hidden videos to discover Planned Parenthood's criminal activity — so we are doing the work to expose their crime across the nation on our own, with your support.

Will you sponsor this emergency press conference with an urgent contribution of $100 or more?

Friend, this is going to be big and I hope you will join with me as we expose the criminal behavior of these deceitful abortionists.

We CAN end the public funding of Planned Parenthood with your immediate support. But we only have less than 24 hours to act!

Please click and follow this link to donate $100, $250, $500 $1,500 or even $3,500 right now!

Yours for their Lives,