President Joe Biden continues solidifying his position as the most anti-Life president in the nation’s history. A recent example of this is his Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recent rule change intending to partially rescind enforcement of federal conscience protections for medical professionals from being compelled to perform procedures conflicting with their beliefs.
Biden’s actions risk alienating Pro-Life healthcare professionals from their vocations. HHS is entrusted with upholding numerous federal laws safeguarding conscience protections, including the Coats-Snowe Amendment and the Church Amendments. Under President Trump, the enforcement of these provisions was strengthened through the rulemaking process. Now, Biden intends to repeal these advances and weaken protections for healthcare facilities and individuals from performing or assisting in certain procedures that are contrary to their sincerely-held beliefs.

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Within the healthcare domain, medical professionals are more and more frequently encountering challenges to their sincerely-held beliefs as they face requests to participate in healthcare services or get out of the healing profession. Now more than ever, Texas must fortify its state-level conscience protections to safeguard healthcare workers from being forced to participate in a procedure with which they fundamentally disagree.
Healthcare professionals should not be treated as mere vending machines, leaving them unable to maintain and be guided by their sincerely-held beliefs within their scope of practice. All healthcare professionals and students should be able to practice their specialty and simultaneously have the right to conscientiously object to certain procedures, training, or medical decisions.
Texas must step up to protect its healthcare professionals from federal anti-Life rule changes. The instability in these federal provisions is highlighted just in the back and forth of the last two presidential administrations. In the next Texas Legislature, it is crucial that Texas pass laws to insulate our healthcare workers from federal anti-Life rule changes, ensuring their protections are secured at the state level from being forced to act against their moral convictions.
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