January 22 marked the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the tragic decision which made abortion legal throughout the United States. Thousands upon thousands commemorated the anniversary by marching in Washington D.C. in the annual March for Life. These people were marching for the sanctity of Life that has been completely disregarded by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) all those 49 years ago and since. On this same day, completely ignoring the desires of these dedicated Americans, the anti-Life Biden administration was up to something sinister.
2021 was one of the most invigorating for the Pro-Life movement, between states passing more than 100 regulations prohibiting abortions and protecting preborn children and with the great hope of entirely overturning Roe v. Wade, stemming from the Dobbs v. Jackson case over Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban. Though SCOTUS will probably not issue a ruling until sometime this June, oral arguments held in December 2021 were promising enough to produce confidence that the Court will make the right decision.
2021 also was a year of great fear amongst the radical anti-Life mob that seeks nothing less than the ability to terminate whatever lives they deem unworthy. Not only was this mob afraid of the possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade—which would properly return the issue of abortion to the states—but they also had much to fear from the Texas Heartbeat Act.
The Texas Heartbeat Act is the strongest Pro-Life law to reach enforcement in the 49 years since Roe—and the success is spreading. As of now, there are currently an astounding SIX other states which have officially filed to bring legislation modeled after the Texas Heartbeat Act to their states. There are others still who are signaling their intention to do so, all only mere months after the Texas Heartbeat Act’s enforcement.
For these reasons, the anti-Life Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services announced the new first-ever “HHS Intra-agency Task Force on Reproductive Healthcare Access” (a fancy government way of saying: “hive of dedicated abortion proponents”). This task force was centered around nice-sounding but misleading phrases like “family planning” and people’s “right to make decisions about their own bodies”, although their true goal of the ending of families and the “right” to destroy the bodies of the preborn is abundantly clear.

This task force is seeking to funnel millions upon millions of your taxpayer dollars into abortion mills like Planned Parenthood, which masquerade as clinics for women’s health while truly wanting nothing more than to profit off of vulnerable women who are coerced into life-ending abortions.
The Task Force on Reproductive Healthcare Access acknowledges the “restrictive laws across the nation” and has the goal of undermining Pro-Life laws in Texas and elsewhere however possible. This task force highlights the radical abortion agenda of the Biden administration, directly opposing the states and their laws, single-mindedly pursuing the despicable goal of unrestricted access to abortion.
Biden’s Task Force on Reproductive Healthcare Access’ existence, however disgusting, is a good sign in at least one way. The fact that the federal government has resorted to this tells us that the radical anti-Life mob is desperate, furious, and full of fear at the idea that the atrocity of abortion is dying and cannot be saved.