Anti-Lifers Disrupt Florida House Pro-Life Vote

This week the Florida House of Representatives voted to pass HB 5, a law defending preborn Life after 15 weeks.

Anti-Life politicians and demonstrators vehemently opposed the bill. At one point, abortion activists disrupted the proceedings from the gallery, screaming “my body, my choice,” “shame,” and, “The people united will never be defeated!”  

The disturbance interrupted the House debate as police had to be called in to clear the demonstrators from the gallery.

Video on Twitter shows Florida Capitol security escorting the anti-Life activists from the gallery as they continue to shout. Some demonstrators can be seen struggling against security while others can be heard cursing.

Certain anti-Life demonstrators reportedly exclaimed expletives and verbally abused the police who led them from the gallery.  

Outside the chamber, other protestors held signs reading “Don’t Texas Our Florida,” and “Abortion Saves Lives.”

In the same manner that they have attacked the Texas Heartbeat Act, anti-Lifers and the media have attacked Florida’s Pro-Life bill as “oppressive” and “ultra-restrictive.”

The next step for HB 5 is to go to the conservative-majority Florida Senate and then to the governor’s desk. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has already signaled he will sign the bill into law.

Florida’s 15-week Pro-Life bill is modeled in a similar fashion as Mississippi’s 15-week law, which is currently under review by the Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson. Many legal scholars believe that this case could overturn Roe v. Wade this Summer.

Though not as bold as the Texas Heartbeat Act, which protects Life as early as six weeks, the Florida 15-week Pro-Life law is a significant step that will save thousands of lives. 

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