Ambassador Program

The Texas Right to Life Ambassador Program seeks to partner with individuals across Texas who have a passion for boldly promoting LIFE principles and values and Texas Right to Life in their communities. These courageous volunteers actively shape the Pro-Life movement in Texas and heroically bring communities and churches together to end abortion.


With a Texas Right to Life ambassador in each of Texas’ 254 counties, Pro-Life Texans will become united, convicted, engaged, and equipped to effectuate a cultural and public policy shift that values and respects the sanctity of every human Life from conception to natural death.

Ambassador Qualifications

Each ambassador must possess an unwavering commitment to the mission statement and beliefs of Texas Right to Life and

  1. believes elective abortion and euthanasia are contrary to the Laws of Nature and God;
  2. opposes abortion;
  3. believes abortion and euthanasia should be illegal;
  4. believes that rationing of healthcare based on a quality of Life ethic violates the sanctity of innocent human Life;
  5. opposes the destruction of innocent human Life through embryo destruction; and
  6. understands and accepts that the Culture of Life must be aggressively fought for in the churches, courts, legislative chambers, political arena, media, and classrooms.

Ambassador Requirements

  1. Recruit
    Find and identify other Pro-Life individuals (e.g. local churches or going door-to-door with your neighbors). Foster a sense of LIFE in your community, whether speaking to local Sunday school groups, recommending students to the Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship for College Pro-Life Leaders, writing Pro-Life opinion editorials for your local newspaper, or visiting your local pregnancy resource centers.
  2. Educate
    Spread information by closely monitoring legislative, political, and educational Pro-Life news in Texas. Some examples include speaking at local Sunday School groups, Republican clubs, or civic groups, distributing information door-to-door, or making phone calls or sending out emails with urgent action alerts.
  3. Act
    Offer tangible ways for Pro-Life individuals to become involved in the Pro-Life community: Host a diaper drive for your local pregnancy resource center, host a speaker or a coffee for your outreach efforts, partner with a Republican group to bring in a speaker on Pro-Life legislative issues from Texas Right to Life, enlist folks to go door-to-door with you during an awareness campaign, etc.

Ambassador Resources

As an ambassador, you have immediate access to the vast resources of Texas Right to Life to help with your volunteer work. You will receive legislative information and updates straight from our legislative team, action alerts from our political team, training events from our education department, and the ability to request direct assistance for special projects in your community, including support from our in-house attorney. Our knowledgeable, experienced staff are ready to partner with you to build the Culture of Life in your community.

Sounds great! How do I register?

Simply fill out the form below

Ambassador Program Application