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Alvin to Vote on Pro-Life Ordinance

Alvin City Council will vote on a HUGE Pro-Life ordinance this Thursday!

Will you join us on Thursday, January 20, at 7:00 p.m., to show support for the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance?

What: Alvin City Council Meeting
When: 7:00 p.m. Thursday, January 20, 2022
Where: Alvin City Hall; 216 West Sealy St. Alvin, Texas

Don’t worry; attending is easier than you think!

  1. Come to city hall (RSVP below)
  2. Optional: Sign up to speak in front of the council (1-3 minutes)
  3. Bring a sign or wear a Pro-Life shirt to show your support!

If the city council passes this Pro-Life policy, Alvin would declare abortion to be murder, prohibit abortion facilities from opening in the town, and would not punish women.

Currently, there are 38 Texas cities with this ordinance in effect. That is 38 towns where all preborn children, their mothers, and the community are protected from the haunting violence of the abortion industry!

Let’s make Alvin next!

RSVP now

If you can’t attend, you can help by forwarding this link to your friends and family.

Please go to the city council meeting on Thursday, January 20, and spread the word to make Alvin the next Sanctuary City for the Unborn!!

RSVP here:

By providing your phone number, you are joining a recurring text messaging program for Texas Right to Life.