As the Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee met today to hear public testimony on tax-funded family planning programs and allotments, Texas Right to Life has uncovered additional funding streams that continue to shovel money into the coffers of Planned Parenthood and the Texas abortion industry — against the conscience of tax payers.
In 2012 alone, Planned Parenthood was awarded $3.5 million in funds, and they have continued receiving funds. In the first two months of 2014, the abortion giant has already received $600,000 of tax payer funds.
Texas Legislators worked diligently to honor Texans' wishes to not fund the abortion industry, and have stated that these revelation give them grave concern. Texas Right to Life was before the committee today to expose these revenue streams and to speak for you the tax payer, as well as the thousands of preborn babies who continue to be victimized by Planned Parenthood's predatory tactics.
Please stay tuned; more information to follow.