Bhavik Kumar, an abortionist in San Antonio, is exploiting the Coronavirus outbreak to push more abortions, calling on Texas to waive Pro-Life laws.
In a Facebook post on Monday, Kumar stated:
“People will continue to need access to [abortion]care during the COVID-19 pandemic. States like Texas must act now to halt all medically unnecessary restrictions on care so we can limit the spread of this virus while continuing to provide access to this service.”
While one might expect (and hope) for abortion appointments to stop or at least slow, many women still entered the abortion facility while Texas Right to Life staff prayed outside today.

By remaining open during the outbreak and exploiting the crisis to push more abortions, abortionists are working hand in hand with Coronavirus to end human lives.
Kumar’s pleas included ending Pro-Life laws such as:
- 24-hour waiting periods;
- Parental consent or judicial review for minors seeking abortions; and
- Pro-Life Health Insurance Reform (protecting Texans from paying for others’ elective abortions through their health insurance).
With 151 preborn children murdered by abortionists every day in Texas already, suspending these laws would lead to an even larger loss of life during the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic.