An airplane banner advertising abortion pills flew over the Texas Rangers’ game in Arlington on Easter weekend.
With 37,000 people in attendance, the pro-abortion group Mayday Health told local news, “We want as many people as possible to know about abortion pills and how to get them by mail.”
Passersby quickly shared pictures and videos of the banner on social media, which is exactly what the group hoped for. The plane circled the stadium for three hours.
“Our mission is to make sure every person in a red state knows they can still get abortion pills by mail,” Mayday Health remarked.
At a time when abortion activists are doubling their efforts to continue killing preborn babies, too many Pro-Life Christians and conservatives are backing down.
The group points pregnant women to a vast network of illegal websites that sell abortion pills online and mail them directly to homes and dorm rooms in your community.
These sites ship abortion pills from overseas pharmacies with no age verification, no prescription, and no regard for state laws.
Abortion pills are the most common method by which abortions are performed in the United States. One in five women will suffer a complication due to taking an abortion pill, and one in 20 will have to visit the emergency room. Worse, every successful abortion results in the death of an innocent baby.
While most Americans may think that abortion by pills is more palatable than violent surgical procedures, the practice is still as deadly and dangerous.
At the point in pregnancy when abortion pills are typically taken, the preborn child has her own unique DNA; her heart starts beating; her eyes, legs, and hands begin to develop; she has detectable brain waves; and every major organ system is in place.
One woman posted her story on social media about aborting her 14-week-old baby after ordering pills online:
“As soon as I started bleeding, the fetus passed. And then 2 minutes later the placenta passed with some blood clots. My bf wanted me to go to the hospital so I went. In my state abortion is a crime, but the pills obviously were undetectable since they were placed orally and they are undetectable in blood.”
Another woman on social media shared:
“It really does work; you get them in the mail. It takes a couple weeks. All together probably three weeks to get them from India. I’m not pregnant but I wanted to get them just in case, especially since I live in Texas. It cost 105 dollars, which is significantly less than what I paid for my first two abortions at Planned Parenthood.”
Join us to save babies from illegal abortion pills!