Abortion and Black Americans’ History

February is recognized as Black History Month in the United States, a time to solemnly commemorate what Black Americans have endured and to celebrate their great victories and accomplishments in this country. Ironically, we have seen a slew of abortion groups manipulating this month of honor to push their agenda, inaccurately claiming that Black Americans benefit from and even need abortion to thrive in our nation. 

This is a sadistic mockery of the history of Black America, as abortion has been a targeted means of limiting the Black population and has taken the lives of an estimated 20 million Black Americans since Roe v. Wade in 1973—nearly half of the current American Black population

On February 1, Whole Women’s Health (WWH), a national chain of abortion mills, tweeted

The reproductive justice movement is Black History. It’s [sic]very framework wouldn’t exist without Black people, and it certainly wouldn’t be where it is today without Black organizers, activists, and leadership.

This statement is tragically true. The “reproductive justice movement,” more accurately called the “abortion movement,” is a Black history issue. 

Horrifically, the American abortion movement was initiated in response to Black Americans, not to promote justice, equality, or health—which anti-Life groups would have the public believe—but to intentionally decrease the Black population in the United States. 

In the early 1900s, Margaret Sanger, the founder the nation’s largest abortion provider (Planned Parenthood Federation of America), began to work alongside other racist eugenicists, such as Francis Galton (cousin to Charles Darwin), Madison Grant, and Clarence Gamble. They sought to create a program that would target specific groups of people they wished to eradicate from society and promote reproduction of those they deemed to have superior genetics, mainly the Aryan race—white people. 

Sanger’s means of accomplishing such an inhuman task? She would prevent the people deemed “unfit” from reproducing, through birth control, abortion, and forced sterilization, all under the guise of promoting women’s health and improving the lives of the impoverished. The target populations Sanger and her counterparts deemed to be “unfit” to reproduce were the poor, disabled, and minorities, specifically Black Americans. 

To target the Black population specifically Sanger decided to employ Black pastors, as Whole Women’s Health describes in their recent tweet, “Black organizers, activists, and leaders,” who would work in their communities to encourage the Black population to trust Sanger and convince partisans to participate in her “health” and “family planning” schemes. 

Sanger wrote a letter to Clarence Gamble in 1939, explaining what she called the “Negro Project,” saying, 

The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Also, in his book “Killer Angel”, George Grant records Sanger as stating, 

The most serious charge that can be brought against modern “benevolence” is that it encourages the perpetuation of defectives, delinquents, and dependents. These are the most dangerous elements in the world community, the most devastating curse on human progress and expression.

Sanger had already begun convincing prominent Black leaders of her time, including Charles S. Johnson and W.E.B. DuBois, that the solution for bettering the Black American’s standing was “birth control.” Sanger offered them no tangible solution to the troubles their community faced regarding racism, poverty, and disease, as she thought benevolence to be deplorable. She instead persuaded the community leaders that things would be better for all if the “unfit” among them were not born. 

Sanger and her counterparts made exceptions for certain individuals representing the minority populations, such as Black men and women, if they were, as Sanger stated, “the best of their race.” This way, she constructed a diverse group of leaders to whom she could point in order to keep the public from realizing that her organization had racist motives—even today, abortion advocates use Sanger’s diverse leadership to claim the abortion movement was not founded on racism. 

Tragically, Sanger’s mission of targeting the Black population continues to prevail. In 2018 the CDC published that Black women made up 33.6% of women in the United States having abortions, though they only made up 15% of the childbearing population. This is no accident. 

Today, abortion groups target minority communities, claiming they focus on those communities to provide “healthcare” to the “low income,” but this is the same exact lie the founder of their movement told. 

Just as Sanger actively despised offering real solutions or benevolence to those in need, abortion activists of today do not offer women in need any real aid to help them overcome their crisis. A pregnant mother may be poor, unemployed, and without support to help her through for her expected child, but the only solution the abortion activist, such as Planned Parenthood, will offer is abortion and birth control. 

Even more devastating is the fact that abortion groups are so zealous for their cause of capturing women that they will actively work to prevent mothers from going to places that will offer them actual Life-affirming assistance, like pregnancy resource centers

Abortion groups are taking advantage of this distinguished month to continue to manipulate Black Americans. This is plain to see when we read things like Alexis McGill Johnson, Planned Parenthood’s current CEO, tweeting, “It directly impacts Black communities when politicians try to block health care access…” (speaking about abortion) or  Whole Women’s Health posting, “We’re providing abortions *because people need us too.* Communities need abortion clinics. Abortion bans keep Black people and people of color from getting abortion care and that is wrong because EVERYONE deserves agency over their lives.”

Americans deserve better than abortion. American women and children deserve better than abortion. Abortion is a Black history issue, falling on the side of oppression rather than victory. Texas Right to Life will not stand silently by as the abortion industry tries to claim more precious lives through their founder’s racist, deceptive lies. Black Americans deserve better than abortion, and the abortion industry doesn’t want them to know that.

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