NEVER before have our Pro-Life bills been introduced, referred to committee, heard in committee, and then passed out of committee and onto to the full Senate in such record time as in this first week of the Special Session of the 85th Texas Legislature. But under the leadership of Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, the state Senate has accomplished this unprecedented feat. Now in the next few days, the full state Senate will consider, debate, and pass the five Pro-Life bills that Governor Abbott prioritized for this special session.
Both Governor Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Patrick recognize that the majority of Texans want to protect innocent human Life from fertilization until natural death. The state Senate unapologetically takes action to protect Life, passing both strong life-saving bills and even symbolic life-related measures. This past week in the state Senate saw efficient hearings in the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services and the Senate Committee on Business and Commerce. Both committees heard thoughtful testimony on five Pro-Life bills and approved each bill to move on to the full Senate.
The Texas House of Representatives is a different story: despite the near two-thirds Pro-Life majority, leadership of the Texas House plays vicious political games with the lives of pregnant women and their unborn children—despite Governor Abbott’s call to pass additional Pro-Life laws. The moderate leadership of the Texas House of Representatives claims that they let the collective will of the House members prevail and determine the issues agenda. NOT TRUE. The majority of House members are Pro-Life, and Pro-Life bills are routinely stalled and stifled at every step in passage.
Governor Abbott is doing his part. Lieutenant Governor Patrick is doing his part. The state Senate is holding their own and then some. Texas Right to Life needs you to do your part.
Call your state representative today and urge him or her to co-author and support the following Pro-Life bills. Co-authorship shows solidarity of support of the bills and demonstrates that the bi-partisan collective will of the Texas House is to protect innocent human Life.
Don’t let House leadership mess with Texas anymore. Call your House member today and tell him or her that you expect him or her to pick a side—Governor Abbott’s side, and to protect Life. Let your state representative know that you expect him or her to work to pass the strongest version of all 20 of Governor Abbott’s bills for the special session, including all five Pro-Life bills on the call for this Special Session of the 85th Texas Legislature.
Tell your state representative to co-author these Pro-Life bills:
HB 12 by Representative Greg Bonnen & SB 11 by Senator Charles Perry
HB 214 by Representative John Smithee & SB 8 by Senator Brandon Creighton
HB 14 Representative Drew Springer & SB 4 by Senator Charles Schwertner
- HB 13 by Representative Giovanni Capriglione & SB 10 by Senator Donna Campbell
- HB 215 by Representative Jim Murphy & SB 73 by Senator Bryan Hughes
These Pro-Life bills are five of the 20 items that Governor Greg Abbott has asked the Legislature to address during this Special Session of the 85th Texas Legislature.
Not only are we asking for the passage of all five Pro-Life issues, but for the good of the entire Texas conservative movement. We expect our elected representatives, those who serve the people of Texas, to pick a side and pass them all. Call your state representative now. Tell him or her to be true to you, not to House leadership.
#PickASide #PassThemAll