Friend —
How many more videos do we need to see come of Planned Parenthood cutting organs out of babies and selling them before Texas authorities join with Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and take action?
Tomorrow, Pro-Lifers will hold a Pro-Life Texas State of Emergency media conference to put them on notice. The time for action on Planned Parenthood is now! Talk is over!
We are $4,345 from our goal of $22,415! Will you close the gap and sponsor the emergency media conference right now?
I know Pro-Lifers like you will rally to meet this goal but we are only one day from reaching this emergency goal.
Texas authorities can stop Planned Parenthood right now if they choose and, tomorrow, we will apply the pressure with detailed direction how they can take action on Planned Parenthood. I want you to be a part of this historical moment.
Here's what's even better about tomorrow: when we stop Planned Parenthood in Texas, states will follow our lead! Imagine what will happen to the nation's largest abortion business when Texas leads!
Please click and follow this link to make your emergency sponsorship right now >>
Yours for their Lives,