Keep Representative Kenneth Sheets in the Texas House.

Keep Kenneth Sheets in the Texas House.  Kenneth Sheets is an advocate for the Pro-Life cause, and has been endorsed by Texas Right to Life PAC for his re-election bid.  Sadly, his opponent is a Planned Parenthood ally who wants to undo all the protections for the unborn.  

Challenger Robert Miklos’ campaign website features his commitment to “fighting the war on women,” condemning the life-saving Sonogram Law.  

Pro-Life Representative Kenneth Sheets achieved 100+% Pro-Life voting record while in the Texas House.  Kenneth supported the historic Sonogram Law and voted to fund the state’s Alternatives to Abortion program.

Kenneth does not waver on protecting innocent human life; we need Kenneth’s bold leadership back in Austin.

Teach Planned Parenthood that their henchmen do not belong in the Texas House.

Visit to learn more about Kenneth Sheets!