Friend —
A federal judge just stopped Planned Parenthood from reaching into your pockets for $13.5 million to fund their abortion agenda.
In a statement to the court, Planned Parenthood cried that they would “suffer” lay offs, shorter hours, loss of business (READ: loss of blood money profits), and they might even have to sell equipment.
Problem is … this is exactly what we want!
But Planned Parenthood is fighting back, and they have a Republican ally in the Texas Senate who has pledged to help them: Senator Jeff Wentworth.
For nearly a decade, Jeff Wentworth has consistently voted against Life and flaunted his abortion credentials.
Jeff's record on Life:
— Jeff voted AGAINST PARENTAL RIGHTS by opposing parental notification for minors undergoing abortion.
— Jeff voted TO CONCEAL SEX CRIMES by opposing parental notification for minors forced to undergo abortion by sexual predators.
— Jeff voted to KEEP WOMEN IN THE DARK by opposing informed consent before an abortion.
— Jeff OPPOSED giving PREGNANT WOMEN a 24-hour reflection period before choosing abortion.
— Jeff SUPPORTED the DESTRUCTION of human embryos.
— Jeff VOTED FOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD in SB 747, a bill authorizing a program to serve low income women, but JEFF OPPOSED TEXAS RIGHT TO LIFE’S AMENDMENT to keep abortion providers out.
— Jeff opposed data collection on abortion stats because HIS FRIENDS AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD don’t want any accountability.
— Jeff OPPOSED the sonogram bill.
Jeff also proudly supports embryonic stem cell research.
Senator Jeff Wentworth is the ONLY Republican in the Texas State Senate who advocates abortion on demand with NO restrictions.
On May 29, the Texas primary, what will Jeff do for Life?
Since he's been in the State Senate voting against Life and working against everything we do, he has never received a higher score than zero from Texas Right to Life!
We are not surprised that Wentworth receives high scores and accolades from the death peddlers: Planned Parenthood and NARAL because he's their favored legislator.
If Jeff stays in office, Jeff will oppose Life. Jeff does the abortion bidding and fights Texas Right to Life at every chance.
And unfortunately, he gets away with this because the abortion folks help him stay in office, and they use your money to “advocate” for him.
That's why Texas Right to Life is committed to replacing him, and I have a plan to do so.
Meet Dr. Donna Campbell.
She's an emergency room doctor with an extensive medical background and experience with a passion for protecting all innocent human Life. She's the exact opposite of Jeff Wentworth! We know what Jeff would do, which is why we need Donna in Austin!
The voters deserve Dr. Campbell. And the sick and the unborn deserve Dr. Campbell.
But Planned Parenthood is counting on Wentworth to return to Austin to slow Texas Right to Life and stop our lifesaving legislation. And the blood money is pouring into his campaign to protect him and defeat Dr. Campbell.
Friend, this race is one of the hardest political battles we've fought, but the stakes couldn't be higher. Passing a bill in the State Senate can be impossible due to the two-thirds rule, and we need Dr. Donna to reach that two-thirds.
If Jeff holds onto office, Jeff will never help us reach two-thirds. Can I count on you to help me fire Jeff Wentworth?
My team and I have been working on 22 hotly contested campaigns throughout Texas, and this campaign is crucial to protecting Life in Texas. If we don't help Donna Campbell, Planned Parenthood wins. Planned Parenthood keeps Jeff to block our bills, to keep them funded, to destroy human embryos.
Please click this link immediately and financially contribute $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $2,500 to fire pro-death Jeff Wentworth!
Time is of the essence. The Texas primary is on May 29, and we only have a few weeks to make an impact in this historic race. We have a chance to change the Texas State Senate by electing Dr. Donna Campbell.
You and supporters like you have already helped me reach $67,429 towards our goal of $103,800! Dr. Donna Campbell is a strong candidate on whom Planned Parenthood can't depend, but you and I can depend on her. But she can’t help us or the unborn unless she wins.
Help me change Texas and elect Dr. Campbell with your most generous financial contribution right now.