Historic Pro-Life Bill Would Crack Down on Abortion Pills, Texas Leads the Fight

A groundbreaking bill filed in Texas today would protect mothers and babies from abortion pills that are ordered online, sent by mail, or trafficked from other states and countries. If passed, Texas would become the first state to target the abortion industry’s new underground operations.

The Woman and Child Protection Act (Senate Bill 2880 by Chairman Bryan Hughes and the House companion by Chairman Jeff Leach) would allow citizens to sue companies and organizations that work to kill preborn children. Websites, distributors, advertisers, and more could be held accountable if they break the law.

Elective abortion is illegal in Texas beginning at fertilization, but liberal activists have shifted tactics and are now sending deadly drugs straight to homes and dorm rooms, as many as 19,000 per year.

These abuses have destroyed preborn babies’ lives and put women at risk. For example, a Houston mother almost lost her daughter when her estranged husband secretly spiked her drink with abortion pills, and a Collin County woman was hospitalized after receiving the drugs from a New York abortionist.

No other state has enacted effective legislation to save mothers and children from the abortion industry’s evil new business model. Passing this bill would prove that Texans are not satisfied with just closing brick and mortar abortion clinics, but Pro-Life advocates want to save every woman and every baby from abortion pills.

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At the point in pregnancy when these deadly drugs are typically taken, the preborn child has her own unique DNA; her heart is beating; her eyes, legs, and hands have begun to develop; she has detectable brain waves; and every major organ system is in place.

Law enforcement struggles to trace the origins of abortion pills when they are sold online or brought in from other states or countries. The Woman and Child Protection Act seeks to fill this gap by adding seven strategic and aggressive legal tools for government officials and citizens to use. For example, the policy would allow Texans to sue internet platforms like Facebook and PayPal if they help sell abortion pills illegally. It also adds harsher criminal penalties for funding abortions and lets the attorney general prosecute if liberal district attorneys try to let abortionists off the hook. This unique approach is how the Texas Heartbeat Act became the strongest Pro-Life law in the nation in 2021.

Texas Right to Life Legislative Director Ashley Leenerts commented:

“A person could order abortion pills online right now and they’d be delivered to their doorstep the next day. The fact that 19,000 Texans did this last year breaks my heart, and it should break yours, too. Texas must pass the Woman and Child Protection Act to save preborn babies and make our state the leader against the underground abortion industry.”

The Woman and Child Protection Act offers a real solution to save lives and stop illegal abortion pills at the source. Pro-Life Texans should ask their lawmakers to co-author SB 2880 and the House companion.

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