Biden Drops Out of Election & Endorses Abortion Czar Kamala Harris

On Sunday afternoon, President Joe Biden officially dropped out of the Democratic Primary Election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. The National Democratic Party will formally nominate their presidential candidate, who could be anyone, next month at their party convention. However, the endorsement, campaign infrastructure, and PAC money from Biden obviously gives Kamala Harris a significant lead in securing the nomination. This means most observers are expecting the Presidential election in November to be between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Throughout his time in the White House, President Biden has depended upon Harris to take the lead on their promotion of and advocacy for abortion. Since he claimed to be a devout Catholic and even supported the Hyde Amendment throughout his political career, Biden pushed Harris to be in the spotlight on abortion. And when under the spotlight, the true nature of her extremism has shocked most Americans. 

Harris’ own staff bragged that in 2023 alone, she hosted over 40 events devoted to abortion. In 2024, she made shameful history by becoming the first president or vice president in American history to host a public event at an abortion clinic. While at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Minnesota, Harris told the press, “These attacks against an individual’s right to make decisions about their own body are outrageous, and in many instances just plain old immoral.” 

Kamala Harris believes that states attempting to protect innocent and defenseless preborn children from the deadly violence of elective abortion is “just plain old immoral.” 

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In a recent interview on Face the Nation, Harris was pushed to be more specific about her stance on abortion. The reporter asked her at what point in pregnancy would Harris allow states to regulate abortion. The Vice President refused to answer the question, implying there were no acceptable state regulations or limitations on abortion. She insisted that her goal was simply to “restore the protections of Roe v Wade.” She then claimed that they were “not trying to do anything new” on abortion. The truth is that Harris’ support for the Women’s Health Protection Act, would wipe out every single Pro-Life policy across the country. The talking point about “Restoring Roe” is an effort to distract from her support of unlimited and taxpayer-funded abortions. 

This categorical endorsement of abortion and opposition to any and every Pro-Life policy has earned Kamala Harris the praise of the far left. The extreme group, Reproductive Freedom for All said in a statement, “There is nobody who has fought as hard for abortion rights and access” and the radical pro-abortion group Emily’s List described Harris as “our most powerful advocate and messenger” on reproductive rights.

While President Biden is guilty of allowing the far-left pro-abortion wing of his party to dictate his decisions, Harris is attempting to be the pro-abortion movement’s executive champion. Harris’ anti-Life views are far beyond what average Americans support. Some Pro-Lifers may be disappointed in the watered-down rhetoric or platform recently adopted by the Republican party. However, in November, there will be a stark contrast between candidates who uphold Pro-Life values and those who do not. Candidates like Harris are doing everything they can to promote and support the intentional killing of unborn children across our country. There is no question that a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for unlimited, taxpayer-funded, elective abortion across the country, despite any state attempts to save lives.

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