Teacher Calls in Sick, Takes Student to Get Secret Abortion

A public school teacher was caught taking a student to an abortion clinic without her parents knowing, according to an investigative report from the New Hampshire Department of Education.

The teacher took the day off, claiming to be sick with food poisoning. The teacher later admitted to the school he or she was not actually sick and “went with a student to a medical appointment,” per the report.

According to the redacted document, the teacher spoke to the student for weeks about her “options,” then brought her to the abortion clinic during school hours to end the life of her unborn child.

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School officials later terminated the teacher, according to the report.

“Parents have the right to know everything that is happening to their child in school,” state Sen. Tim Lang (R-Sanbornton) responded. “Keeping secrets or going behind a parent’s back is never good public policy. It’s not good for the child, either. It teaches children, by the actions of ‘trusted adults,’ it’s OK to be deceptive, which is not creating good citizens for our future.”

“[The teacher] stated that the student didn’t have anyone to support them so they offered to go with them,” the investigation found.

“I am horrified to hear that a teacher in our New Hampshire schools felt the right way to help a pregnant student who felt unsupported in her pregnancy was to research abortion facilities and call out sick to take a student to an abortion rather than to help her speak with her parents and find support from her family,” said state Rep. Erica Layon (R-Derry).

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As shocking as the events are, the investigative report does not disclose whether the teacher broke state law. New Hampshire law requires parental notification for minors seeking abortions, but the student’s age is not revealed in the redacted report.

The New Hampshire attorney general’s office declined to comment on the event and whether the teacher would face criminal charges.

Scandals like this can become the norm under Democrats’ pro-abortion policies.

Joe Biden and allies like Chuck Schumer are pushing the Women’s Health Protection Act, a federal bill that would erase all state Pro-Life protections, including the requirement to notify a minor’s parents when she seeks an abortion.

For this teacher, the young student, and anyone who has suffered or assisted with an abortion, know that Christ offers healing, forgiveness, and hope. No sin is too big for His mercy and love.

Organizations like Rachel’s VineyardH3HelplineSowing Seeds in Love, and the Sisters of Life offer counseling, retreats, and prayers for anyone seeking healing after an abortion—for both women and men.

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