With weapons drawn, FBI agents raided the home of another Pro-Life activist, Chet Gallagher.
Mr. Gallagher, a 73-year-old Pro-Lifer and former policeman, along with 11 other Pro-Life activists are being arrested under the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.
This comes just weeks after the raid on Pro-Life father, Mark Houck, which made national headlines when FBI agents terrorized Houck’s children by converging on his home with drawn weapons.
With his companions, Gallagher had already been arrested and released by local authorities after posting bail for misdemeanor trespass charges. Despite being released by local authorities, the Department of Justice picked up the case, executing an armed FBI raid to arrest Mr. Gallagher.
Video taken by the Pro-Lifers who organized the protest shows a small group of Christian activists praying and singing in the halls outside an abortion office in Tennessee. Though remaining respectful and non-violent throughout the ordeal, the Pro-Life activists did not cooperate with authorities’ demands to vacate the halls.
Footage of the incident shows police arriving to the scene and ordering the Pro-Lifers to vacate the building. Eventually, an officer makes an announcement, saying, “We are going to be making the final warning right now… Anybody that is still here after the five minutes is up will be arrested… You guys have been really good to us and we appreciate the cooperation. Okay?”
Video taken outside the building shows some of the activists being removed from the building in handcuffs.
If convicted under the federal charges, Mr. Gallagher faces up to eleven years in prison and fines of up to $250,000.
Meanwhile, no arrests have been made in the ongoing string of attacks and acts of terror and vandalism against Pro-Life organizations and churches. As reported by the Catholic News Agency, there have been 98 recent attacks and acts of intimidation perpetrated by abortion activists on Pro-Life organizations and groups.

This imbalance of justice and the vitriol with which the Biden DOJ punishes Pro-Lifers is sadly no surprise.
Since taking office, Joe Biden has proven himself the most radically pro-abortion president in U.S. history.
The Biden-appointed U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is also a rabid anti-Lifer. In response to the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, Garland issued a statement, announcing, “The Justice Department strongly disagrees with the Court’s decision. This decision deals a devastating blow to reproductive freedom in the United States. It will have an immediate and irreversible impact on the lives of people across the country.”
With such biased and radically anti-Life leadership in the federal government, it is no wonder that anti-Life acts of terror and violence are going unpunished while Pro-Life family homes are being raided by armed agents.
Pro-Lifers must not be intimidated. Trusting in God, Pro-Life Texans must continue to peacefully and legally stand up for the preborn and vulnerable.