Hollywood Celebrity Blasts Her Own Father Over Abortion

Hollywood actress and celebrity Jennifer Lawrence blasted her own family, particularly her father, over abortion and the recent reversal of Roe v. Wade.

“I don’t want to disparage my family, but I know that a lot of people are in a similar position with their families. How could you raise a daughter from birth and believe that she doesn’t deserve equality? How?” the celebrity complained in a cover interview with Vogue magazine.

Lawrence attacked the Supreme Court’s decision to end Roe v. Wade, saying, “It’s too personal to a female’s existence to watch white men debate over uteruses.”

The actress, famous for her lead role in The Hunger Games, singled out her father and her family in Kentucky for believing in conservative values, chiefly the Right to Life of preborn babies in the womb.

Lawrence along with scores of Hollywood celebrities have long been major activists for Planned Parenthood, the abortion industry, and the destruction of preborn lives and families through abortion.

In May, Planned Parenthood released a massive ad in the New York Times in which 160 of the entertainment industry’s biggest names signed on their support for the nation’s largest abortion business.

The ad stated, “Our power to plan our own futures and control our own bodies depends on our ability to access sexual and reproductive health care, including abortion.” Major celebrities signing onto Planned Parenthood’s statement included Selena Gomez, Billie Eilish, Shawn Mendes, Olivia Rodrigo, Ariana Grande, and many other A-list names.

Increasingly more celebrities are being pressured to support the destruction of human Life through abortion to the point that quiet disagreement is no longer acceptable in Hollywood. “I can’t f**** with people who aren’t political anymore. You live in the United States of America. You have to be political. It’s too dire. Politics are killing people,” Lawrence stated in her Vogue interview.

Tragically, the entertainment industry continues to use their platform to aggressively push a radically anti-Life abortion agenda on audiences across the world. As Pro-Lifers, we must work to defend and promote Life at every level of society, including the arts and entertainment. 

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