“Woke” Corporations Promise to Pay for Abortion Expenses

A slew of woke anti-Life companies are criticizing Texas and attacking the life-saving Texas Heartbeat Act. Apple, Uber, GoDaddy, and now Citigroup Bank are among the companies that have sided with the abortion industry rather than Life and the wellbeing of their employees.

Citigroup, the fourth largest bank in the U.S., announced they will be helping the abortion industry by paying employees’ abortion expenses. The company is incentivizing their employees to get abortions by promising to pay for their flight, lodging, and other expenses.

“In response to changes in reproductive healthcare laws in certain states in the US, beginning in 2022 we provide travel benefits to facilitate access to adequate resources,” Citigroup announced.

When the Texas Heartbeat Act first took effect in September, 2021, a conglomeration of 50 companies, including the ice-cream brand Ben & Jerry’s, wrote a letter attacking Texas. These companies stated that, “Simply put, (the Texas Heartbeat Act) goes against our values and is bad for business.”

Software company Salesforce even offered to help employees move out of Texas over the Texas Heartbeat Act.

Citigroup joins this list of extremist companies actively pushing an abortion agenda on their employees and customers.

Radical leftist governor of California Gavin Newsom, who has expressed his desire of building an “abortion tourism” industry in California, praised Citigroup’s actions. In a tweet Newsom responded, “This is the right thing to do. We need more of this from corporate America.”

But not all believe Citigroup is making a smart business move. Some elected officials and legal experts believe that these new abortion policies are evidence that Citigroup is guilty of illegally aiding and abetting elective abortions. This may trigger criminal liability under the pre-Roe Texas laws that have never been repealed in addition to opening the company up to civil liability under the Texas Heartbeat Act. 

The lines between the anti-life and Pro-Life forces continue to become more clearly drawn.

As anti-Life forces gather, Pro-Life Texans must not back down or fear the woke rage of these companies. Texans’ priority must always remain the defense of innocent Life, most especially the vulnerable preborn and pregnant mothers. 

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