Pro-Life Activism Day 2019

New York shocked the nation this year with a massive expansion of late-term abortion.  Texas lawmakers should lead on protecting Life, but some of the most powerful politicians in Austin want to ignore the unborn.  Now the fight is up to YOU.

Next Wednesday, April 10, attend the Pro-Life Activism Day at the Capitol!  This is a HUGE opportunity for you to train with the Texas Right to Life legislative team, meet truly Pro-Life officials, and take a stand by visiting your state legislators in Austin.

New York is what happens if we fail.  The anti-Life lobby won’t stop until Texas and New York are one and the same.

In fact, the day after Pro-Life Activism Day is Planned Parenthood Lobby Day!  Imagine 1,500 radical abortion activists swarming your lawmakers to uphold late-term abortions and force taxpayers to subsidize them.  

Will you guard the Texas Capitol from the abortion mob?  At Pro-Life Activism Day, you can equip lawmakers with the materials they need to debunk pro-abortion activists when they storm offices the following day.

YOUR attendance at Pro-Life Activism Day is critical.

Pro-Life Activism Day is from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Below is the tentative schedule:

9:40 a.m.: Doors open in the Capitol Auditorium
(located in the Texas Capitol Extension)
10 a.m.: Check in at the Capitol Auditorium
10:00-10:40 a.m.: Watch the House and Senate galleries
10:50-11:50 a.m.: Hear a session briefing from the Texas Right to Life legislative team and Pro-Life lawmakers
12:00-1:10 p.m.: Lunch break
1:15-3:00 p.m.: Meet with your state senator and representative
3:00 p.m.: Adjourn to go home

RSVP to Rebekah Lentz at  You can find details, updates, and invite your friends to attend here:  

We look forward to seeing you in Austin on April 10!

Unborn children and vulnerable patients need YOU to speak for them at Pro-Life Activism Day on April 10.

If you cannot attend on Wednesday, please send a message to your legislator now to support the Pro-Life agenda: