January is a time for new beginnings, a time when we have a tradition of reflecting on how to make our lives better. We make promises to improve our health, our financial situations, and our spiritual lives. Often, these New Year’s resolutions go well for the first few weeks – we buy that gym membership; we re-engage in church; and we start saving money. But by February, we fall back into our old routines.
What if we change how we make New Year’s resolutions? Instead of looking inward at what we need to change about ourselves, what if we use the blank slate of the New Year to change the lives of those around us? Instead of asking what we can change about ourselves, what if we ask what we can do to change our culture?
Opportunities to defend Life in your community abound because, unfortunately, the culture of death runs rampant. Texas Right to Life can provide the resources and expertise to fuel your vision in defending your community from the culture of death. Here are three simple ways you can begin changing your community into a Culture of Life as a Texas Right to Life Ambassador in 2019:
- Coordinate a Pro-Life talk for your local church or school
- You know the people, we know the Pro-Life message. Carry the message of Life into your local churches and schools with exclusive Texas Right to Life resources.
- Book a Pro-Life booth at a local community function
- Use a local event to spread truth about the sanctity of innocent human Life and alternatives to abortion. You can make an impact at your community functions using materials and assistance from Texas Right to Life.
- Mobilize a Pro-Life legislative action team
- The 86th Session of the Texas Legislature begins on January 8. Recruit like-minded individuals willing to call, visit, and write lawmakers on the need to support life-saving legislation. You will receive one-on-one guidance from Texas Right to Life legislative staff.
If you think you can do even one of these three things, you can save countless Texans from certain death. Consider a New Year’s resolution to save lives this year. Click here to apply as a Texas Right to Life Ambassador today!