40 Days for Life? There’s an app for that!

Just in time for the 40 Days for Life Fall 2017 Campaign, the Pro-Life prayer group released the “40 Days for Life App.”  40 Days for Life, an international movement that began in Texas, organizes two yearly campaigns of prayer and fasting to end abortion.  The prayer campaigns unite churches, Pro-Life groups, and prayer warriors who coordinate to stand in prayer in front of local abortion mills 24 hours a day for 40 days.  The fall campaign begins September 27, 2017.

This year, local groups will have another tool for organizing their efforts with the newly released app.  Shawn Carney, the president of 40 Days for Life, told Life Site News, “This is a state-of-the-art app that will enable 40 Days for Life campaign teams to better coordinate their peaceful prayer vigils, communicate with volunteers and supporters, and most importantly, to answer the tough questions they often face while participating in their prayerful witness.”

In addition to providing users with vigil information to connect and join efforts with other Pro-Lifers, the app features responses to some of the most common arguments abortion activists attempt to use against Pro-Lifers.  Carney emphasized that this was one of the major goals of developing the app.  He said, “This new app will be a great free tool for those on the sidewalk, at work or in church who want to get more people involved in the pro-life movement.”

Although the campaigns are focused on prayer, they also bring a visible Pro-Life presence to abortion-minded women and families coming and going from abortion facilities around the world.  By standing in prayerful presence and offering mothers information and assistance, 40 Days for Life campaigns have prompted thousands of mothers to choose Life for their babies.  Last year during the fall campaign, 658 babies were saved from abortion by the prayerful witness of participants in 40 Days for Life.  In the 10 years since 40 Days for Life began, 13, 305 babies have been saved from abortion.  In this way, Pro-Life witness in front of abortion mills is like being on the frontlines of the fight for Life.  The new app from the 40 Days for Life team equips those standing for Life with tools to be even more effective.  As Carney notes, “With more than 750,000 participants worldwide over the last 10 years, we have seen and heard everything on the sidewalk.”  Pro-Lifers can use the wealth of knowledge gained from those years of experience to answer questions and change minds and hearts.

The app is available for free and can be downloaded at the 40 Days for Life website.

Texas Right to Life has stood with 40 Days for Life at the Houston Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast mega-abortion mill every year.  Join us this fall as we pray to end abortion.