Lives are already being saved from abortion in 2015 with the breaking news that a prominent Dallas abortion mill has closed. This brings the total number of surgical abortion mills in America down to 549. Operation Rescue reports:
As the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals considers the constitutionality of Texas abortion safety laws, Operation Rescue has confirmed that Northpark Medical Group, an abortion facility in Dallas, Texas, has halted all abortions after the hospital that provided its two abortionists with privileges closed.
Thanks to HB2, the Pro-Life omnibus bill of the 2013 legislative session in Texas, abortionists are required to possess hospital admitting privileges within a 30-mile radius before they may legally commit abortions. When University General Health System, the hospital at which abortionists Lamar Robinson and Jasbir Ahluwalia possessed admitting privileges, closed down, the abortion practice quickly followed suit.
The fact that the abortionists’ inability to commit abortions would be a financial blow heavy enough to shut down the center is a testament to the significance of their abortion revenue. Centers like Northpark Medical Group and Planned Parenthood affiliates thrive on creating the façade that they are “women’s health” centers. They claim to provide “comprehensive” healthcare for women (and, often, for men). One would think that the provision of comprehensive healthcare means that the cessation of one single service would leave many more lucrative revenue streams open. Planned Parenthood, for example, frequently touts the misleading statistic that abortion is only “3%” of its total services. But when a “women’s health” center shuts down because the center cannot profit from just one specific service (abortion), the truth that they are really all about abortion becomes painfully obvious.
Interestingly, the now-closed hospital at one time revoked the abortionists’ admitting privileges, citing their concern that affiliation with the abortionists would be “disruptive to the business and reputation” of the hospital. As Texas Right to Life reported last May, the abortionists in turn sued the hospital, claiming that the revocation of their admitting privileges was “discrimination.” The abortion industry likes to play the discrimination card when doing so suits their motives (i.e., the entire body of “war on women” rhetoric fabricated by anti-Life pundits).
Northpark Medical Group was once a hub for notorious abortionist Douglas Karpen, the “Texas Gosnell.” In 2011, a complaint was filed against the abortionist for violating Texas’ informed consent laws which require that a physician be on-call to answer women’s questions. Two separate recordings of phone calls made by women to Northpark Medical Group were answered by identical messages stating that no doctor was available for consultation in spite of the fact that Karpen was employed as an abortionist at Northpark at the time.