Donation Campaign May 18, 2014 0 Vote for Ted Seago Friend — Texas Right to Life PAC is proud to endorse Ted Seago for election…
News May 14, 2014 0 Incumbent threatens lawsuit over Pro-Life ad If stations refused to cancel the ad, the Deuell campaign promised to initiate litigation.
News May 14, 2014 0 Abortion nearly prevents first mother-son duo in professional basketball history In 1987, Pamela McGee was living an athlete’s dream: after a successful career in college…
News May 12, 2014 0 Conservative leaders across Texas unite to elect Bob Hall for State Senate The leaders of every major Texas conservative organization will be in Greenville, Texas for a free town hall to discuss what is really happening in Austin.
News May 11, 2014 0 Happy Mother´s Day from Texas Right to Life Texas Right to Life crew and friends send a Mother´s Day message for moms everywhere.
Abortion May 8, 2014 0 Pro-Life lawsuits status updates and next steps Having failed to win over voters with their anti-Life message, Planned Parenthood and the abortion…
Donation Campaign May 3, 2014 0 Greenville LLP Friend — The financial and spiritual future of Texas hangs in the balance. This Thursday,…
Legislation May 2, 2014 0 Conservative groups decry legislative intimidation Leaders across Texas come together to defend constitutional rights.