Do not listen to this video if you have kids around.
You are about to hear what the devil thinks of your defending Life, your support of Texas Right to Life, and your love of protecting innocent babies.
We received over 1,000 calls like those, and many of them are too vile to even edit.
Abortion radicals HATE the Texas Heartbeat Act, and they hate you for saving preborn children.
That’s why Biden’s cronies sued our state and found a liberal judge to block the Texas Heartbeat Act Wednesday night.
But this fight isn’t finished. Pro-Life attorneys already filed an appeal with a higher court to make sure our state can continue saving babies.
Can we count on YOU to step up and defend Life with us?
Everything we do at Texas Right to Life is focused on one goal: saving and protecting innocent human lives.
We have to stop this extremist lunacy. If we don’t fight off this new round of attacks, the angry mob will soon silence and cancel you.
We won’t dodge or flinch, and we certainly won’t retreat.
Will you give $50, $200, $500, or even more today to fight for Life?
Thank you for your prayers and support. Thank you for letting us fight alongside you.