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Texas Lawmakers Meet for the First Time Since Roe Reversal

State lawmakers will meet today for the first legislative session since Roe v. Wade overturned. Even though our state now legally protects all preborn children from elective abortion, much work remains to stop illegal abortions, assist pregnant mothers, and defend vulnerable patients.

Your state lawmakers in Austin will discuss many important issues, and what could be more important than defending LIFE? 

Pro-Life advocates demand HUGE wins in Texas to protect preborn children and vulnerable patients. Thanks to your financial support, we’re sending four full-time Christian lobbyists to the Capitol to advocate for life-saving legislation. But the most effective voice is YOURS!

If you want to help pass Pro-Life bills in 2023, fill out the form below and we’ll send you critical alerts to contact your state lawmakers this year.

The most important policies in 2023 will be: 

  • Reforming the 10-Day Rule of the Texas Advance Directives Act;
  • Increasing funding for the Alternatives to Abortion program;
  • Expanding the private enforcement mechanism in the Texas Heartbeat Act to apply to all abortions; and 
  • Building a Pro-Life Texas
    • Reforming the adoption and foster care systems; 
    • Ensuring that mothers have medical coverage up to one year after giving birth; and
    • Removing barriers for pregnant and parenting mothers in schools and workplaces.

While we fight FOR these Pro-Life Priorities, we also must fight AGAINST efforts to enshrine abortion in our state constitution, gut funding for pregnancy centers and adoption agencies, add exceptions to our Pro-Life laws, and more. 

Your calls and emails to lawmakers really do make a difference, and your prayers truly help our team. 

New this year, Rebecca Parma will lead our efforts as the Texas Right to Life Legislative Director. Rebecca has served in the Capitol with Texas Right to Life for six years, and prior worked for Senator Ted Cruz in Washington, D.C. Dr. John Seago will advise the team in Austin as our president and former legislative director of 11 years. 

Together, we can seize this historic opportunity to protect Life without the shadow of Roe v. Wade. We can’t afford to miss this critical moment to protect our most vulnerable neighbors.



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