Little did I know that just after my 19th birthday, I would find myself in an unexpected pregnancy.
Growing up in a conservative, Catholic home, I had always been Pro-Life and was involved in the Right to Life movement. Being pregnant myself, however, shook me.
When I found out I was pregnant, I was afraid and wanted an abortion.
I was blinded by guilt and shame, and the weight of my sin was heavy.
I was two exits away from the abortion clinic and taking the first pill of a chemical abortion when a phone call of desperation completely changed my heart and my life. The call was from one of my best friends and my sister, who reminded me of the value and dignity of the life inside of me and the atrocity of abortion.
They reminded me of our Pro-Life values and the immense support we would have from everyone around us.
Thanks be to God, I turned the car around and chose Life for my daughter!

The U-turn I made on the road that day was the beginning of a massive U-turn I made in my life.
God was calling me to return to Him and to fully embrace the gift of Life.
The moment that I chose Life for my daughter was the start of my calling in the Pro-Life ministry. I became passionate about being a voice of truth and light for other women who were in my same situation.
Texas Right to Life has been an immense vessel to fulfill this calling. I now proudly serve as President of the University of St. Thomas’ Celts for Life in Houston and am one of 52 scholarship recipients of Texas Right to Life’s Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship.

Texas Right to Life Fellows serve in multiple ways through our college Pro-Life clubs:
✅ Hosting educational events;
✅ Volunteering in our communities; and
✅ Helping pregnant and parenting students on our campuses.
Thank you for supporting us every step of the way with your financial gifts and empowering our generation daily.
The work we do on our campuses and in our communities is vital, because the abortion industry doggedly targets pregnant college students.
Even after the reversal of Roe v. Wade, there is still much work to do to create a culture that respects Life.
Will you contribute any amount today to accomplish this mission? >>
A gift to the Texas Right to Life Committee can help Texas Right to Life’s efforts such as banning pro-abortion material in college health clinics and stopping the promotion of illegal abortions at our colleges. (This is the most needed and makes the biggest impact!)
A gift to the Texas Right to Life Educational Fund is tax-deductible and can help efforts such as training Pro-Life students in the college scholarship program.
Your donation this Christmas can give hope and life to thousands of children and families.
For Life,