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Patient Consent for Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Orders
SB 11 by Sen. Charles Perry and HB 12 by Rep. Greg Bonnen
Current Texas law does not require patient or surrogate consent prior to a DNR Order written or executed by a physician or healthcare facility. This enables health care providers to unilaterally impose DNR Orders on patients without the knowledge or consent of patients or their surrogates. This bill requires that consent be obtained from the patient or surrogate before most DNR Orders may be written.
Pro-Life Health Insurance Reform
SB 8 by Sen. Brandon Creighton and HB 214 by Rep. John Smithee
This bill would protect Pro-Life Texans from subsidizing abortions with their tax or premium dollars in public, private, and state employee health insurance plans by removing elective abortion from standard health insurance benefits. Abortions in the case of a medical emergency would still be covered, and elective abortion coverage would be available as a supplemental, separate option.
Prohibition of State and Local Funding & Contracts with Abortion Industry
SB 4 by Sen. Charles Schwertner and HB 14 by Rep. Drew Springer
Under the state’s budget bill (SB1), most state funding for abortion providers and their affiliates is prohibited. This bill would codify those prohibitions and extend that ban to local governments. Preventing governmental contracts or monetary transactions with affiliates of abortion providers is consistent with the state interest to protect preborn life and the view of the majority of Texans that oppose benefiting an evil industry with their tax dollars.
Two-Part Abortion Reporting Reform
- SB 10 by Sen. Donna Campbell and HB 13 by Rep. Giovanni Capriglione
This bill would codify and add enforcement to rules requiring abortionists and medical professionals to report medical complications caused by abortions.
- SB 73 by Sen. Bryan Hughes and HB 215 by Rep. Jim Murphy
While many laws have been passed requiring either parental or judicial involvement in a minor’s abortion decision, data on how minors receive permission for an abortion is not reported. This measure would also apply consistency to the certification required for an abortion provided under the fetal abnormality exception.