Texas Right to Life spreads the message of Life, trains frontline Pro-Life advocates, and rescues the most vulnerable from abortion and euthanasia.
This is no ordinary fight.
The abortion industry is the most powerful weapon of Satan, by which he literally kills innocents and destroys families. Alongside our calling to evangelize the world, Christians must work to take this destructive tool out of the enemy’s hand and promote God’s gift of Life.
150 lives saved per day!Here’s how we do it:

Mentoring college students on 21 universities to be frontline Pro-Life Christian leaders
Over 300 scholarships awarded since 2008

Stationing full-time Christian lobbyists in the state Capitol to protect & expand Pro-Life laws
$438M in state funding secured for pregnancy centers since 2006

Restoring patients & families’ authority to make life-and-death decisions in hospitals
Pro-bono legal aid provided to 48 patients in 2022

Proclaiming the truth to millions of people around the world through news media & our online platforms
40 billion views earned on average per year
Opportunities & Challenges:

Protect and expand Pro-Life policy victories after Roe v. Wade

Increase Pro-Life clubs on college campuses amid new enthusiasm for Life issues

Leverage gains in media presence to keep Pro-Life citizens informed and to hold politicians accountable

Change apathy among conservatives that the Pro-Life movement is finished after Roe

Accomplish our goals with limited staff

Combat dominant left-wing ideology in culture, media, and education
Texas Right to Life is dedicated to glorifying the Lord in education, legislation, and advocacy. We stand at a critical moment where the war for the soul of America could go either way, with our enemies increasingly attacking and Pro-Lifers leaving the field.
The cost of remaining on the battlefield is higher than ever:
- $193,000 in 2021 to mentor college students across the state;
- $10,000 a month to defeat cyberattacks on our website; and
- $160,000 to maintain a full-time professional Pro-Life presence in the Capitol for six months during the legislative session.
With our supporters, we gladly pay this high price because the Lord has called us all to seek first the Kingdom, and its righteousness. We invite you to join us in answering His call to serve by financially supporting Texas Right to Life. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and may God bless you!
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