California and New York are getting free advertising to promote abortion in Texas!
Last year, Gavin Newsom and other leftists plastered pro-abortion billboards all over Texas, pushing women to go to blue states to end the lives of their preborn children.
What’s worse: California and New York aren’t even paying for many of the ads anymore, but the signs will stay up until someone else buys these billboards.

“Want an abortion? California is ready to help,” one billboard states.
Advertising death is bad enough, but these ads go further and twist Holy Scripture to promote their evil agenda. See, the bottom of the billboard quotes Jesus himself from Mark 12:31: “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.”
Abortion is the opposite of love. More than 60 million babies have been lost to abortion since 1973.
The billboard company estimates that hundreds of Texans see these signs a quarter million times per week.

How many pregnant women will see Newsom’s call to travel for an abortion if we don’t replace them right now? How many unborn lives will be lost to this evil deceptive message?
The truth is, most pregnant women don’t know about free resources in their communities that help them CHOOSE LIFE! Our website directs women to pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes near them.
But replacing the abortion billboards will cost up to $14,000.
If every Pro-Life supporter contributes, we can stand up to pro-abortion leftists and defend the unborn!
If you want to help put up our Pro-Life billboard, please rush a tax-deductible gift today at the bottom of this article.
Any funds raised over the needed amount will be dedicated to spreading the Pro-Life message across the state through our education programs.
God made all precious babies uniquely in His image and they deserve the Right to Life. Yet, countless children could lose their lives if these signs continue to pressure pregnant women to have an abortion in California or New York.
Please fight back now with a tax-deductible donation to take down the pro-abortion ads and replace them with a Pro-Life message!