We are falling short of our end-of-year goal.
The GOOD NEWS is that we still have time to turn things around.
Preborn babies depend on your contributions to help stop illegal abortions, equip Pro-Life students on college campuses, and defend against anti-Life legislation.

Would you consider making a special year-end gift to rescue preborn children?
If we don’t get back on track, we may have to make cuts to our life-saving programs, such as:
❌ Eliminate scholarships next year for Pro-Life college students;
❌ Turn away teens from our high school Team LIFE Camp; or
❌ Reduce time spent securing state funding for pregnancy centers and adoption agencies.

You’ve seen firsthand: When a mother chooses LIFE, her gift has a remarkable ripple effect.
When a child is born, everyone around is inspired with joy, awe, and hope.
We know you have a heart for protecting children, so we don’t want you to miss the opportunity to impact families, communities, and our country.
Can you contribute ANY AMOUNT right now to crush our FINAL 2023 goal? >>
Whatever you are able to give, please know that it makes a difference.
Thank you for fighting for the innocent!