We all know someone who could have been a victim of abortion: a friend whose mother was unexpectedly pregnant in high school or college, or a family member diagnosed in the womb with a disability.
It is heartbreaking to reflect that 60 million people just like our loved ones have been lost to abortion in the last 50 years.
Today, illegal abortions still threaten preborn children.
Take a look at activists’ evil and creative new tactics:

🔴 The Satanic Temple opening its own abortion clinic;

🔴 Illegal websites mailing abortion pills straight to pregnant women’s homes and dorm rooms; and

🔴 Abortion groups refurbishing a cargo ship to kill babies on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico.
This is not the time to back down. With 50 years of experience, Texas Right to Life knows how to confront these new attacks.
Our Pro-Life college scholarship program is the largest in America, and our full-time lobbyists monitor over 3,000 bills in Austin to stop pro-abortion policies, increase funding for pregnancy centers and adoption agencies, and protect patients’ rights to make their own life-and-death medical decisions.
Will you give to Texas Right to Life today to rescue preborn children and give hope to pregnant mothers?
Your contribution will help rescue 150 lives per day and build on our historic accomplishments. But without your support, we may be forced to make cuts to our life-saving programs.
Thank you for fighting for Life!